
Contact details


Singel 25

7411 HW Deventer

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We increase self-reliance and reduce vulnerability

Impact on society

We specialize in chain integration, the realization of SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) applications, and process management in the Finance, Healthcare, and Education sectors.

Do you want to develop yourself and at the same time make a difference in society? Impact on society. With tech solutions. We consider that the most normal thing in the world, but it makes working at Topicus fundamentally different. Millions of people use our platforms daily, including those in your social environment. Tech solutions that truly benefit healthcare, education, the financial world, and the social domain.

In all areas where we can help with our tech knowledge and craftsmanship, we actively change markets ourselves. This way, we give control to the citizen, increase self-reliance, and reduce vulnerability. As a student, wouldn’t you want to contribute to that?

We do all this from our ‘hometown’ Deventer, where we are developing our own ‘Topicus Campus’. But also from Utrecht, Andelst, Groningen, ’s Hertogenbosch, Leiden, Wageningen, Gouda, and even in Vietnam and Romania. And our ambitions reach even further. With over 1,000 Topicans, we at Topicus have the drive for innovation and the power to achieve these ambitions.

As a ‘Topican’, you can be challenged intellectually and content-wise every day. By diving into complex issues or experimenting with the latest technologies (of course, alongside working with proven technology). Making yourself and each other even better and further developing skills. This is possible with the Development Compass, the Topicus University, guilds, the coaching pool, the Topicus Technology Master, and other cool events. Because we serve multiple markets, you have access to a vast wealth of knowledge, experience, and tools. By the way, we are happy to share this knowledge, even with people outside our company! With our own annual TopiConf, the conference for and by Topicans. And from meet-ups to guest lectures and also in Code breakers.

Furthermore, we find it important that every Topican feels good. Therefore, you have the freedom to determine your own working hours and how you balance working from home and at the office. Of course, in consultation with your team, because you have to get the job done together. With the TopiFit program, we ensure that you feel good mentally and physically.

To gain new insights, we annually guide about 100 university and college students with their internship or graduation assignment. You get the chance to immediately work as a full-fledged member on one of our challenging projects. You learn the fastest from your experienced team members and can really contribute to new ideas for challenging ICT projects. We work closely with various educational institutions and universities and know the frameworks of your education. We also connect you with fellow students so that you are never alone.

Curious? Then check out for all the stories and the current overview of our (student) vacancies.

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